Distracted Driving

Dennis Sova: I was always interested in the big rigs, so when a chance to retire early from my lifetime career came up, I took the gold watch, got my class 1 and hit the road.
Posted By Dennis Sova: I was always interested in the big rigs, so when a chance to retire early from my lifetime career came up, I took the gold watch, got my class 1 and hit the road. On 2020-05-07 11:24:11

A few
years ago, on a sunny summer Sunday, I left the company yard in Delta BC at
dawn and headed east. As the old Gord Lightfoot song goes, I was, "Alberta
Bound." As a part-timer, I usually drove whatever moved, but today I was
lucky – a well-kept Kenworth with a Cat
engine and all the bells and whistles was mine. Mary Ann and Ben (not their
real names) had to take some time off and were willing to lend their baby to a
non-smoking newbie.

It was
still morning as I passed by Merritt and started the long and slow climb to
Helmer Lake. The traffic was light, and I was in the slow lane, well out of
everybody's way, but frequently checking for any trouble catching up to me.

A shiny new black 4x4 pickup (of the make greatly favoured by those not known
for their patience) appeared in my mirror. It was towing a matching toy hauler,
and no licence plate adorned its front bumper. As it quickly caught up to me, I
could see a clean-cut looking young couple inside. "Probably some outdoor enthusiasts,
 getting an early start on the Sicamous –
Calgary Sunday afternoon rush-hour," I thought as I looked away, expecting
them to fly by me any second.

as the pickup came abreast of me, slowed down, and began pacing me. "Something
wrong with my trailer?" I wondered as I glanced down into the pickup. Looking
back at me was a pretty young woman wearing dark sunglasses, and further
investigation revealed that the shades were all she was wearing! Now, I
was brought up right, and my first reaction was to avert my eyes back to the
road ahead. The pickup did not move. "Maybe I'm imagining things," I
thought, as I looked down again, but no, Lady Godiva was still there, staring
up at me stone-faced,
with not even a hint of a smile. Even my best imitation of the Alfred E. Neuman
grin failed to budge her cold, somewhat disapproving look, making me feel like
I was the one in the birthday suit…

staring contest went on for a while longer, and then the pickup accelerated out
of view, leaving me shaking my head. I could hardly wait to tell my better half
as I reported my safe arrival in Calgary that evening! If I was hoping to get a
woman's perspective on this strange encounter, I was disappointed. "Must
be a full moon out there!" she giggled.

return trip was scenic and uneventful. I arrived in the yard just after dark.
Ben and Mary Ann were unloading their car, ready to take over. "Everything's
good - but you won't believe what happened," I said, eager to tell them my
story. I wasn't even halfway through my tale when Ben's
mouth started breaking into a grin, while Mary Anne's decidedly moved in the
opposite direction. "Hookers," she growled, apparently not very fond
of political correctness or the world's oldest profession. She then explained
how this brand of mobile advertising is relatively common in the Deep South.

subject really got her going, and Ben and I had to take a step back as she
started swinging an imaginary fish bonker through an imaginary window while
yelling, "how would you like some of this over your head YOU HUSSY!"
She must have been a frightening sight to anyone expecting to see a frisky
lover boy behind the wheel of their rig.

Well, I
admit that I felt a bit silly at missing the obvious, but given all the
circumstances (and did I mention it was a Sunday!), I could see how I failed to
connect all the dots. But as the saying goes, forewarned is forearmed, and the
next miscreant was going to get a sardonic smile and a look of bored
indifference - yep, I was ready! But of course, nothing like this ever happened
again. Maybe we're more law-abiding, or it's just too darn cold up here. But I
still wonder what was in that toy hauler…       

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Distracted Driving


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“Fuel Tanks”

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From Zero to Hero to Zero

ELD’s and Speed Limiters – Are They Really Safe?

The Dream (July 2005)

The Lonesome Camaraderie of the Transportation Industry

Strange Times

Lockdown Toilets

Life goes on

The Czech Invasion.

A Steep Learning Curve

Fools Casting Calls

We Are All In This Together

How to get Time Off

A New Year

Added Benefits of Trucking

An ill Wind

Loving the Road

Insecure Loads


All Things Shiny and New


The Good Ol’ Days

Cold Trip


A Moment’s Distraction

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Travels With Ringo

Distracted Driver


ELDs, Roads and Covid

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The Switch

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Crimes Against Humanity

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In the Truck’s Clutches

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Loading Heavy Equipment


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The Weekend!


How I Write

In The Beginning Part 3

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My Rant…


I learned a New Trick

It ain’t the years - it’s the miles.

It’s Time, Gentlemen, Time


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Blind Man's Buff

Editor's Note

The Flitting


What I Did This Summer



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Love and Trucking

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It's a Wonderful World

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Dad meets a “Bear.”

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The Weather Outside is Frightful…

Common Sense

Bad Breaks and Good Luck

Driving Through My Memories for January/February 2023


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Halcyon Days of Trucking

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The Piggy Bus Encounter

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On The Road Again

Wait Over Weight

I Write

Elliot Lake

The Good (?) Old Trucks

Canadian and Proud of it

Six Cans for Buffalo Joe

Monkeys and Peanuts

Safety First

30? 60? 90? Late Pay

Nothing New


Has anything changed?

Holidays - Then Back To The Grind.

Old Trucker Troubles

Loose Moose

Some of the Trucks I've Seen

The Last Ride

Cold Load Home

Make it a Holiday

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Thinning the Herd

Just Be There…

And to All, a Good Night!

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Helping Out in a Clutch

The Good, The Bad and the Ugly.

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The Last Ride